City tour

After a short visit by the members of the group, who stayed at Jay Norris’ to a car boot market, where some people have a “licence to grill” we went to the Pattisons’.

After some explanations by Mr. Pattison senior we were on our way to the city. During our sightseeing tour Mr. Pattison was a mine of information. As a member of a commission, which registers and describes all buildings built before 1850 and, being responsible for York, he is the expert.

All Saints is a good example of a mediaeval church. Next to the church was a hermitage. Through this hatch food was supplied for the hermit and she could attend the service. The windows were made in the 14th century. One shows the coral acts of mercy.
We left Mark at the pillory and went to the Guildhall, which dates back from the 15th century. It was destroyed in the 2nd World War and restored after the War. The balustrade was given to the city by York’s twin town Münster. This week there is an antiques fair in the hall.

Our guided tour was hampered by permanent rain so I was unable to film everything we saw. The tour ended at the Minster, where Mr. Ian Pattison explained what one could see at the windows (if one is not too short-sighted). But let’s save the Minster – the highlight of any visit to York – for the end of this report.

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car boot sale = eine Art Flohmarkt, bei dem die Verkaufsgegenstände im Kofferraum des Autos ausgelegt werden

to nick = = to steal

mediaeval = mittelalterlich

hermitage = Einsiedelei

hermit = Einsiedler

pillory = Pranger

guildhall = Gilde-, Zunfthaus

to date back from/to = stammen aus

twin town = Partnerstadt

antique fair = Antikmesse

to hamper = behindern; hemmen

short-sighted = kurzsichtig
